
Books authored or edited by Department of Transnational Asian Studies faculty include:

Emperor Jahangir book cover
Imperial Identity book cover
The Dynamic Spread of Buddhist Print Culture
Tuxie zhenxing

Tuxie zhenxing: Chuantong Zhongguo de daojiao shijue wenhua 图写真形:传统中国的道教视觉文化
Shih-shan Susan Huang (trans. Zhu Yiwen 祝逸雯)

(originally published as Picturing the True Form: Daoist Visual Culture in Traditional China, Harvard University Press, 2015)

Visual and Material Cultures

Visual and Material Cultures in Middle Period China
Patricia Buckley Ebrey and Shih-shan Susan Huang (editors)

Picturing the True Form
Creating the Universe book cover
Creating the Universe book cover
The Japanese Empire and Latin America

The Japanese Empire and Latin America
Pedro Iacobelli and Sidney Lu (editors)

Japanese Settler Colonialism
Secularity and Science

Secularity and Science: What Scientists Around the World Really Think About Religion
Elaine Howard Ecklund, David R. Johnson, Brandon Vaidyanathan, Kirstin R.W. Matthews, Steven W. Lewis, Robert A. Thomson, and Di Di

Different Worlds of Discourse book cover
Beyond Tradition and Modernity book cover

Beyond Tradition and Modernity: Gender, Genre, and Cosmopolitanism in Late Qing China
Grace Fong, Nanxiu Qian, and Harriet Zurndorfer (editors)

Spirit and Self in Medieval China
Language and Truth in North Korea book cover
Eating Korean in America book cover
Reading North Korea book cover
Diaspora Without Homeland book cover

Diaspora Without Homeland: Being Korean in Japan
Sonia Ryang and John Lie (editors)

North Korea Toward a Better Understanding book cover
Writing Selves in Diaspora book cover
Love in Modern Japan book cover
Japan and National Anthropology book cover
Koreans in Japan book cover
North Koreans in Japan book cover
Music Mind and Language book cover
Sisters in the Mirror book cover
Gender and Economics in Muslim Communities book cover

Gender and Economics in Muslim Communities: Critical Feminist and Postcolonial Analyses
Ebru Kongar, Jennifer C. Olmsted, and Elora Shehabuddin (editors)

Women and Islamic Cultures book cover

Women and Islamic Cultures: Disciplinary Paradigms and Approaches, 2003–2013
Suad Joseph, Marilyn L. Booth, Bahar Davary, Hoda El Sadda, Sarah Gualtieri, Vriginia Hooker, Therese Saliba, and Elora Shehabuddin (editors)

Reshaping the Holy book cover
No book image available
Gendered Power book cover